Sunday, May 28, 2006

What does a desi do on a "long" weekend.

You are a married desi living in the NorthEast USA AND
a) has kids OR
b) your parents (or in-laws) visiting (read baby-sitting if a) is true)
and a "long" weekend arrives
I am willing to take a bet that the following places will automatically be in a desi's mind
a) Niagara Falls - I think desis are somehow attracted by Niagara. I would be lying to you if I said that Niagara was not in my list of long weekend visits.
b) Pittsburg temple - Suddenly as a desi I feel "I am loosing my religion" and especially with parents visiting the Pittsburg venkateshwara temple immediately goes to the top of the list.
c) New Jersey /New York - Actually this will be a new york visit -but a visit to a friend/relative in New Jersey would be the event that drives this visit.
d) Washington D.C - Nation's capital

If you are not doing any of these things - you probably are scrambling and calling other messed up desi parents like you asking if their kids want to have a playdate. I want to hear comments from other desi parents as to how close I am in this hypothesis.

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