Saturday, May 27, 2006

Living in Bay area to living elsewhere in US.

It has been 4 years since I moved to Northern Virginia from the great place that is Silicon Valley. All these 4 years I have been trying to find one darn good reason to feel that NoVA is a better area to live than the valley. I reach the same conclusion when that thought runs through me. Silicon Valley is the best place to live in the entire world (yes I mean it - and I was born and brought up in India !) despite the fact that it sits on top of a set of active fault zones and despite the fact that the housing prices are always out of whack.
I have seen people give reasons as to why they think NoVa is best ( We get to see all 4 seasons! - which is the most bogus bullcrap that any Desi can give IMO) - but the fact that you can have 300 fairly clear sunny days in the valley beats any arguments for any other place. Add to the fact that as an IT professional, I feel like valley hums innovations all the time.
Some of the things that I like about the Bay area:
- If you are a pretend or wannabe health freak - you got the best accessible trails in my mind. I used to live in Fremont and going out to Mission Peak in Fremont every saturday during summer days (and looking at the big house that MC Hammer built and lost )>
- You got the beaches in an hour's drive. Personally like the Santa Cruz beach and the beaches that line up from Santa Cruz out to Half Moon Bay when you drive out to San Francisco on Highway 1.
- You got the mountains and gambling in about 3 hours drive out to Lake Tahoe.
- The place is probably one of the vegetarain friendly place to live outside of India.

More on this later..

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