Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Indian - eternally in bondage.

I have a feeling that folks from the great country of Bharat or India always want to be the followers and never the leader. I am not sure as to when the subservience came into effect
- Was it conditioned by the British Raj that happened much later in our history?
- Was it because of the fact that the alluvial plains were too rich and the fact that much of the India didnt go through the kind of turmoil that Europe did in early times make Indians more complacent to things?

As much as IT is currently driving some of the changes that India is seeing, I still feel that the type of work that Indians do is things that folks in US or UK dont want to do. And I also think that Indians do put up with crap that someone out here would simply not consider doing out here.

A case in point - I work for a fairly big software company in the world (Real big) and we use a lot of our Indian counterparts to run demos for our prospects here in US. Not too long ago, we had one scheduled at 12 PST that ran for about 4 hours. The sales guy that was working with me didnt even show any remorse or concern about the fact that there were these 2 girls out in our Indian facility staying all night ( I knew they had to come early to get the demo ready). He just assumed that these resources were available at his disposal all the time. I felt really bad about this whole thing. Is this the cost of us progressing? Is this even progress? Are we going back to our old habits here?
Whatever the reason is - I think it is time that India in general and Indians in particular break out of this bondage.
But How?

See my upcoming posts for thoughts on the same.

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