Sunday, May 28, 2006

Desi rankings for sedans in the 25K-40K range.

We started looking for a new car yesterday. My current car staple is a very desi ( Honda Civic and a Honda Odyssey eh!) standard template . In this blog, I am going to test drive and rank these cars based on what I consider car desisms:
Car Desism 1: Should have good resale value
This desism comes from the fact that as desis we immediately look at things long term. I think this safeguard is just built within us and comes into play automatically. I think it is a very ASIAN thing ( if folks here can actually remember that we are freaking ASIAN too!).

Car Desism 2: Gotta be a 4 door
Gotta be able to move people (read parents that live with you and cater to your babysitting needs - more on this on a different blog and children) - during weekends to the temple or wherever the next high-carb consumption party is happening.

Car Desism 3: Price-Performance should be good.
For god's sake we are plunkering 25K!+ goddamit

Car Desism 4: The Desi Wow! factor
Everyone wants to be this kewl Desi that his desi breathren is not. We hate to admit it - but dont you feel bad when you reach the same conclusion that thousands of Desis reach - that a Toyota or Honda or Acura or Mercedes is the best car in the entire "White" world. I have seen some of my friends not to conform to this - this is that occassional Land Rover desi dude - just to prove a point that desis can think like "ghoras"

Car Desism 5: The Desi Status Symbol Thang!
Gotta drive a Mercedes or Lexus or BMW 5 series.

With these things in mind -I have begun test driving. I am going to update the blog and give a Desism Car ranking on a scale of 1-10 (10 being a definite desi buy).

Volkswagen Passat
We thought this will be a "different' car - no one in our friend circle has it - NOT a HONDA or TOYOTA ( See Car Desism 4). Turns out that Passat is NOT a desi car as Desism 1 and Desism 3 overrides whatever goodness this car is.

Verdict: Passat is NOT a desi car - this is for someone that has this weird affliction to things European.

Updates to this thread follows as I go through testing these cars.

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