Friday, May 26, 2006

Height of desi madness - banning the DaVinci Code..

I just read this news item about the State of Punjab banning Davinci code as it offends the minority community feelings. This ban follows the ban acts states of Mizoram,Nagaland etc.
I am simply amazed by the fact that these states are sensitive to the minority - but completely insensitive to what is going on with the "oppressed minority" forward castes with regards to reservation.
I am frankly pissed at these politician asswipes that just cater to their minority votebank. It is interesting to note that even vatican didnt ask the movie to be banned - however all the Catholics in India are suddenly offended by the fact that the movie portrays Jesus as a mere mortal. Offended is one thing -but to curtail free speech is a different beast.

More asswipes to be pissed off about- Tamilnadu, AP and Punjab bans Davinci code as well. All these indian politicians are vermins.

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