Sunday, September 17, 2006

Curd Rice and South Indians

Some real random thought from the deep left field here ..

You are a South Indian (most likely a tamil) travelling with your family to places unknown- and 2 days into the trip - you get this withdrawl symptoms of this disease called Curd Rice Deprivation. I have often wondered why the heck I am so hooked onto this "Thachi Mammu" thing. Is this a gene thing?. Almost ready to say that it is - my kid who was born and brought up here in US can't do with curd rice for more than 2 days. We were out and about a few weeks ago - and my kid made me stop in some unknown place near Buffalo to go to a Wegman's. We got the rice from their restaurant/carryout and a plain yoghurt and added some pickle (aka "Oorugai") to it - and my kid felt better instantly.

Any thoughts/musings about the same are welcome.

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